Proton's File
DNI ... People who support Jewish voice for peace, they aren't Jewish and def not for peace... people who believes in aspd abuse, npd abuse, hpd abuse & bpd abuse... ableists or sanists... people who use high/low func in an ableist way. You can use it towards yourself all you want but I don't feel comfortable when its used on me... people who use 'Asperger' without knowing it's history and why its problematic, it's a n*zi term for autism. Nothing against those who were diagnosed with it of course... fatphobes/lgbt-phobic/racists/sexists/etc, basically any type of bigotry... don't be islamophobic/anti-semitic/etc... people who demonize mental disorders for example: DID, Schizo spec, personality disorders, bipolar and more... please don't bring the middle east conflict to me, I'm a middle eastern, I was born here and grew here. I am indigenous to this land and just want PEACE. I'm sick of hearing about it from people who think they know everything, PEOPLE WHO DON'T LIVE HERE AND THINK THEY KNOW WHAT ITS LIKE. there's a lot of gray in this, not black and white. I believe each human, deserve to be treated with respect, regardless of their race/religion/heritage/gender/sexuality/etc. It's so easy for people to just pick a side and cheer. stop it. it's better if you just don't open your mouth, it's my life and the lives of others here which are being treated like a fkin sports even... If you support ham*s or what happened on october 7th, you can fk off. don't cry to me about humanity if you stayed silent on that but cry about the other side... The whole situation rn is very triggering to me, I already have bad mental health, relapsing and more. If you want to learn more, I recommend Muhammad Zoabi (@/muhammadzoabi98), @/unapolagetic3n, @/rootsmetals and @/levantine_gay , all on instagram. @/tired._.psychopath has a good follow list on insta for education...